Julie's Business You

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Getting Out of Your Own Way

To be more productive, or more optimal in your productivity, you need to analyze what slows you down.

So, What is Getting in Your Way?

Few people have it all figured out in life and in business. And those that don’t (most of us!) typically experience constraints that limit their future success.

In manufacturing, and really, life, there is usually a chokepoint, or bottleneck, that determines the speed at which you can complete a process or activity. For example, commuting time is usually impacted by one stretch of road, not the entire highway. With entrepreneurship, often, the bottleneck is you.

To be more productive, or more optimal in your productivity, you need to analyze what slows you down.

The fun fact is that 80% of the constraints you have are within you. Do you want to improve things? If so, start inside yourself. What are your personal goals? What are the critical constraints impeding your progress? What will you do to overcome them? Repeat this process and reflection for your business.

Want to learn more? Let’s connect.

Adapted from “Clarity 1.9 Removing Your Constraints” by FocalPoint Coaching and Training Excellence, Copyright 2018, by Brian Tracy and Campbell Fraser. Reprinted with permission.