Master Mind? Master Success!

Master Mind is the coordination of knowledge and effort in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.

So, you want more knowledge, skills, or abilities? You want to apply these to your life and your business? Well, you have three choices. You can experiment and leverage your own personal experience. You can benefit from the experience of a group or collective. Or you can leverage infinite intelligence through your superconscious mind (discussed previously).

Understanding the Master Mind

Napolean Hill defines the Master Mind this way: Master Mind is the coordination of knowledge and effort in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose. The Master Mind has two purposes:

  • One economic

  • One psychic (yes, psychic).

Economic advantages flow to those who surround themselves with others who help each other. Psychic advantages result from the energy that flows between people through the mind, like two batteries joined.

Master Minds are famously cited in history as helping people like Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford achieve greatness in their careers.

Forming a Master Mind Group

So, how can you form one? First, you need to decide the particulars of the group you want and need. Number? Skills? Positive mental attitude? Able to contribute? New perspective?

Make some rules for your group and a potential list of people and when you contacted them.

Once formed, meet regularly. Calls, virtually, in-person. That doesn’t matter, but have each member come prepared to discuss a problem, issue, or goal.

 Want to learn more? Let’s connect.

Adapted from “Effectiveness 2.1 Form a Master Mind Group” by FocalPoint Coaching and Training Excellence, Copyright 2018, by Brian Tracy and Campbell Fraser. Reprinted with permission.

Julie Entwistle MBA, BSc (OT), BSc.

Julie Entwistle is an ICF Associate Certified Coach who works with business owners and professional service providers.

Julie helps her clients by building their business YOU - confidence so they can run, grow, and develop legacy practices that are focused and optimally successful. Julie knows that when professional service businesses do better, their clients also benefit. She knows this because she was one! Prior to becoming a coach, Julie was an independent owner of her own healthcare business before successfully merging, growing, and selling the practice. As an owner Julie had her own business coach, and this was a key element in her success.

Academically, Julie has degrees in Health Studies and Gerontology and Health Science (Occupational Therapy) from the University of Waterloo and McMaster, respectively, and an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier. She attended Queens University as a part-time Doctorate student prior to discontinuing her studies in 2023. Julie is also a Chartered Director and has Board and governance experience.

Julie grew up in a franchise family, so business is in her DNA. She has raised four daughters who are off writing their own stories as young adults. Julie is active and fit with a black belt in Karate, a competitive golf game, and enjoys many other sports. She believes in authenticity, showing kindness to all living things, and is happiest when helping others to build their own wealth and wellness.

Find Julie on LinkedIn at:

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