Create a Healthier, Happier, and More Productive Workplace With These 10 Employer Resolutions for 2025

It’s a new year and with anything new comes a time for change. What changes will you make to better yourself as an employer, your employees and the overall culture of the business you run?

Here are some reflective personal suggestions from one business owner to another:

Boost your Biggest Asset – Your Employees

It’s better for business, and the bottom line, to retain your talent. Putting a focus on the mental and physical health of your employees will help to ensure lower rates of absenteeism and higher satisfaction, allowing you to retain your people long term. How you do this will depend on, of course, the type of business you run, the nature of your culture, and the size of your organization. But in the end, remember that people are just that – people – and they have wants, needs, ideas, interests, struggles…take an interest in them and this will help them to shine.

Wellness is Key

The term “wellness” was all over the news in 2024 and seems to be a continuing trend. However, do you really know how to create “wellness” at your business? If not, seek the assistance of a professional, like a business coach, to help you to evaluate your current situation, to put a plan in place to increase employee health (both mental and physical), and to implement this and evaluate its effectiveness over the long term.

Model the Behaviours you Want to See:

How do you implement change? Your employees won’t create the positive changes you want without motivation. Modelling the behaviours and activities you wish to see from the top down will help employees to take part themselves. Practice what you preach and lead by example. If you are grumpy, miserable, unapproachable and difficult to talk to, your employees will be the same. Yet, if you are enthusiastic, engaging, caring and productive, their behavior too should follow.

Cultivate a Better Culture

For anything to become commonplace in the long term, it needs to be fully integrated into your corporate culture. Think strategically about how the changes you seek can be part of your long term business plan and can become ingrained in your daily work life.

Show Gratitude

Don’t take anything for granted. If an employee is going above and beyond take time to sincerely thank them for all they’ve done. The same is especially true for clients, suppliers and referral sources — make sure they know you are thankful for their support and business.

Focus on Flexibility

Offering flexible arrangements for workers, such as telecommuting and flex hours can increase employee satisfaction, reduce stress, help you attract top talent and to retain your staff long term. While implementing these strategies can require some planning and thought, talking through the possibilities can help. Consider coaching to get you there.

Listen Carefully (to your Staff)

Do you take the time to closely listen to what your staff has to say? Setting aside time to check in, hold brainstorming sessions and solicit suggestions from your employees will help them to feel more empowered and could lead to your next big product or service.

Plan for the Future

When running a successful business, it’s important to ensure you think both in the short and long term when looking to make change. Take time to regularly plan, evaluate and revisit goals to ensure your short-term actions will lead to long term success.

Make Time for Team-Building

How well do you know your staff and how well do they know each other? Studies show that employees who feel they belong to a team are more loyal and dedicated to their work. It’s important to schedule regular team building activities, both inside and outside of work hours and that you get involved in these yourself.

Make Time for Yourself

Running a business is no easy task and it’s definitely not a 9-5 job. While many of us that own businesses eventually find balance and work our desired hours, it takes time and infrastructure to get there. Resolve to give yourself some daily “soul-care” so you too can enjoy life outside of work. Taking time for yourself will help keep you focused, reduce stress and increases productivity, patience, and is another way to lead by example. No one wants to come into the office at 8:30am to 10 emails from the boss that were sent the night before. Discipline yourself to not add to the chaos by structuring your own time accordingly.

Turning Resolutions into Reality

Creating change is not easy. Remember to start small and build overtime for success. Whatever your choice of resolution I wish you the best of luck for success in 2025.

Julie Entwistle MBA, BSc (OT), BSc.

Julie Entwistle is an ICF Associate Certified Coach who works with business owners and professional service providers.

Julie helps her clients by building their business YOU - confidence so they can run, grow, and develop legacy practices that are focused and optimally successful. Julie knows that when professional service businesses do better, their clients also benefit. She knows this because she was one! Prior to becoming a coach, Julie was an independent owner of her own healthcare business before successfully merging, growing, and selling the practice. As an owner Julie had her own business coach, and this was a key element in her success.

Academically, Julie has degrees in Health Studies and Gerontology and Health Science (Occupational Therapy) from the University of Waterloo and McMaster, respectively, and an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier. She attended Queens University as a part-time Doctorate student prior to discontinuing her studies in 2023. Julie is also a Chartered Director and has Board and governance experience.

Julie grew up in a franchise family, so business is in her DNA. She has raised four daughters who are off writing their own stories as young adults. Julie is active and fit with a black belt in Karate, a competitive golf game, and enjoys many other sports. She believes in authenticity, showing kindness to all living things, and is happiest when helping others to build their own wealth and wellness.

Find Julie on LinkedIn at:

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